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Into Africa with the "Schmeck Pride"

Unbelievable journey! Those are the only words I have to describe such an amazing experience that we had in Africa. I started planning this trip years in advance, researching all the possible and potential travel companies in Africa as possible. We wanted a middle of the road experience, not too low-end, but not top tier either. We wanted an authentic experience, but also wanted to be comfortable during our trip, as well. After researching a number of companies, reading reviews and comparing prices, it ended up that we didn't go with the lowest cost possible (sacrificing quality, in my opinion) and we wanted it all to be arranged for us, the Schmeck group. We originally had a larger group who intended to make this trip, but COVID got in the way. We ended up postponing our 2020 trip into the following year, same time of the year with a hope to see the great migration. The company we booked through was Go2Africa. If you look them up, you'll see they are winners of the top safaris in Africa for the last several years. They didn't disappoint, I can tell you.

Go2Africa arranged all of our transports, arranging all of our travel, all of our lodgings, everything! Most meals were provided in our tour package and they used the top safari providers in Africa. We purchased a travel package. The only thing that wasn't covered was our flights to and from Africa from the U.S. Everything else was totally taken care of by Go2Africa.

This was our 11 day itinerary:

1st stop: Sheraton Nairobi airport hotel for 2 days, where we had a person guide take us to an authentic restaurant and a tour of the Nairobi museum.

Then, a "small" plane trip to the Masai Mara, where we landed on a remote airstrip, where our guides, who were Masai warriors themselves, provided refreshments and a ride in the safari vehicles to our first camp, Kitchwa Tembo. Amazing! That's the only word for that camp! First class, for sure, complete with a lounge area, bar and a wonderful dining room where we all ate every day, morning, afternoon and evening. 3 safari events per day! One day, we even had 4 since we did one of them from a balloon at dawn. Again, amazing!

We saw so many animals in the days we were in the Masai and we also were presented with authentic Masai warrior ceremony, 2 nights in a row.

We LOVED our guides and remain friends on Facebook to this day. Go Protus!

The accomodations were also soooo comfortable and we woke up to a bush buck eating from the bushes outside our tent when we woke up. What a view!

After a few days, we flew to the Arusha Coffee Lodge inTanzania, where we enjoyed some beautiful surroundings and did a bit of authentic shopping at a local African crafter shop. I picked up a wonderful canvas painting.

Next, our guides (also Masai warriors) drove us into Manyara Lake, where we would normally see thousands of flamingos. This time, however, the conditions weren't quite right for the flamingos. No worries, though, we saw plenty of them in the Serengeti.

Then, our guides drove us to the Ngorongoro Crater Farmhouse. Again, so amazing. Some of the group took a coffee tour. Next stop was the Ngorongoro Crater, where we saw more animals. It's an incredible spanse of space that is the actual crater of a volcano where many animals have made their home and many cannot traverse the steep sides of the crater to ever leave.

Our last stop was the Serengeti and the drive was for hours and hours to get there. We drove though so many small villages and roadside fruit and plant stands and the Masai in the fields tending their cattle, donkeys and goats. It was such an experience to see how the people live there. Incredible levels of poverty, but incredible strength of will and determination just to survive. It makes an impact on you!

Last camp-Kati Kati in the Sergengeti. This is a semi-portable tented camp. This was the most authentic of our camp experience with true canvas camps and cot beds. Our showers were powered by the staff who had to refill with buckets of warm water. So, when running out, we had to yell for the staff for more water. lol. What an experience. Our camp was set up near a hyena clan den. Every night, we heard them along with all the other animals in the area, including lions and zebra. If you want to know what they all sound like, you'll definitely have to travel to Africa (unless you're satisfied with hearing them on some sounds set up on the internet). Go authentic!

For several days, we traversed the Serengeti for hours and hours. It is the most vast, expansive land I've ever experienced. Grasses all over and in some cases, the Serengeti was purposely set on fire for a controlled burn to ensure the Serengeti does not get overgrown. We saw every animal imagineable, even the elusive leopard that we didn't see anywhere else. Only problem is that we couldn't get close enough to get a really good view of it.

The only suggestion that at least one of our friends in our group had for this safari is to go opposite on the trip, and have it start in the Serengeti and end in the Masai Mara.

This was one of those trips that we actually had to pay for everything-no discounted travel from our many, many points. This, however, was my dream and I am so thankful and grateful for my ability to share it with my daughters, my husband, and several of our closest friends. It was the best of life! I will be going back in 4 years. My commitment to Africa!!

Stay tuned for my next post where I will be sharing more details about how we travelled to Cancun (coming in January). Then, an AMA river cruise in July-Budapest up to Prague!

Enjoy the best of what this world has to offer, my fellow travel gurus! Love life and enjoy the beauty of different places, people, animals, birds, etc You won't ever regret it!

Till next time, sending my love to you!!! Happy New Year!!

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